Monday, November 29, 2010


Not often do we get the opportunity to see where the money  we donate really goes to. Here is your chance:) Since I'm down here and have a general idea of how things are and where the money could be spent and who needs it most there is no time like the present.Here are some projects that I came up with in the past few months...

Sport Box
Being here for 3 months now and working with the creches made me realize that these kids don't get enough physical exercise. The idea is to compile at least one Sport Box in the same fashion as the Hygiene Promotion Box (see picture) that will contain everything needed for the fun sport activities. The first box would be donated to SAEP (organization I worked for) and its 10 creches. At  the beginning the Box could just be exchanged between the creches according to their needs. If we ever get any more funds than we could compile and donate more. The box would contain scones, tennis balls,  2 large balls, 2 hoops and some sort of tennis rackets. (can be used in soooo many ways)... All the exercises and fun relay races would be presented in a  booklet as to make it easy to use... Provisional costs of the box are: scones (100R), tennis balls (40R), hoops (?), tennis racquets (80R), booklet (printing costs for no more that 20-30 pages)...

Santa Cause
Well, this one is more of a Guerrilla Style one again. The idea is to buy some toys and distribute them at random among the township kids.... Man, you should see how their little faces light up even if you just give them 5 minutes of your time, let alone a toy:)

Pimp My Creche:)
I've been working for an NGO that helps the creches for the past 3 months now... our organization cooperates with 10 creches in the township of Philippi...what about all the other creches that get no help, no funds but take care of the children just the same? There is much more creches out there that are in desperate need of our help. The problem in SA is that the government has forgotten about the preschool education all together.  The future of this country and its youth stands in the hands  of hard working, empowered women, ready to take on this huge amount of work and responsibility in order to educate the little ones...

Our maid, Naza, drew our attention to a creche in her neighborhood that took on some more kids after a creche near buy got burned to the ground. Now there are some 40 kids aged from 0-5 in this one room shack, with the roof leaking and with almost no educational aid. So we decided to come3 to the rescue:) We pinched in some money bought some food, made some home made building blocks and drove out to this creche. You should have seen the principal...she was so happy.. that is why we would like to do a bit more that is why we need your help:) You can help by donating some funds for toys, books and reparation of the roof..

See some pics of our mission No1:)

Since we are still under the influence of the world cup there is no time like the present to give something back to the country that hosted this  spectacle:) Just driving through the townships you can see soccer everywhere...on the streets, on every green patch there are kids and youngsters running after the round thing. They have no equipment, nothing. My idea is to give this random teams some scones and balls along with some exercises and HIV exercises..

The team in the picture comes from Guguletu. They were more than happy to pose for our camera, you should have seen how fast they put on their jerseys:)

If you would like to donate something towards this projects please contact Gabi, since I'm discovering real Africa at the moment... at:, +38640365671 :)

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