Monday, November 8, 2010

Fe(e)d the Street Project

The first Guerrilla project on African soil was a success:) Eeveryone pinched in and we made a delicious meal for the street people of Cape Town. Frans car was perfect for the job, I just hope that people don't stop the poor guy every time he drives through town, asking for more food:) We cooked pap (traditional south African meal made out of maze) and some vegetable sauce to go with it. Additionally we also had some boiled eggs, bananas and oranges. 

Equipped with food and determined to make a difference (at least in some peoples lives:) we hit the road on the back of a backy and offered "free food", "mahalo" to the homeless souls along the way.   One could just see how this suffering faces just started lighting up, smiling faces everywhere, "God bless you" or "you'll be in our hearts tonight" were some of the expressions of gratitude and-sings coming from everywhere. These are the people that everyone forgot about, living on the streets for years now, having nowhere to go and unable to find a job. I like the because they weren't begging, although some of them did run back to the car for seconds...sorry there are more hungry mouths out there that we need to feed:)

This is what real humanitarian work is all about. We are not just a bunch of dreamers, we know that we can't feed the world that way, or even heal it of all its ills but at least we made a little difference in the lives of the people we fed....if only for one day.

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