Sunday, October 24, 2010

Real Africa at last

My head is so full of impressions that I don't even know where to begin:) Today was just about the most beautiful day so far:) Aftera braii deja vu I decided that this European lifestyle of Cape Town is not what I came to see and experience. So in the morning we took Frans legendary car  and drove into the townships.

Our first stop was Langa or "Sun", the oldest Township in Cape Town. Nowadays Langa is full of government build houses so there are not many shacks left. Life seems to run at is own pace here especially on weekend when all the people are in the streets. The main mini bus station is packed with people buying freshly chopped up chicken and. Once you get out off the car your senses pick up this intense smell of chicken , flesh  and death all mixed with nicely spiced chicken on the braii. What a contrast:)

By coincidence we ended up adopting a football team from Guguletu. The boys were more than happy to pose for the camera. The team consists of football enthusiasts and a team  manager who is basically a guy volunteering his time to set up games and sometimes his own money to get the boys to the tournament sites. Maybe I can help them get a sponsor or something at least for some essential equipment. We'll see.

Further down we drove through my all time favourite, Philipi.I might be a little bias since I work there but the township really has the most character of all. Shacks everywhere, laundry hanging and drying in the African sun, streets full of colours and different scents. On the weekends everyone seems to be out in the streets, than again what can you do inside of a 2x2m shack? We caught quite some attention with or car and Julian in the back. Usually you don't see many "whites" driving like that:)

The kids were running around, chasing the car or just posing in front off the camera and than grabing it to see how they look. One can just jump of the car and play with the little rascals which is exactly what we did. Man, did we have difficulties getting rid of them:) They just wouldn't let go of the car. Little limbs were hanging from all sides and just waiting to fall under a wheel:) crazy little things...

After Philipi we paid a visit to Kanghelani in Delft. Delft is a new settlement full of houses build by the government. People are lining up on waiting lists for this brick boxes . The place looks like a desert but the amazing people light up the place.

We met a family of five just on a way to church. Like the majority of the inhabitants of these informal/formal settlements they too originate from Transkai. Thembas family waited 15 long years to get this little home of theirs and now they are on to bigger things and brighter future.

More pics:)

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