Two thumbs up for the Cape Town Aquarium. They've got some crazy stuff in there. Me and Fran were just like two little kids running around fascinated by everything. The aquarium has the best of the two oceans, Indian and Atlantic. My favourite tanks were: Finding Nemo and the HUGE tank where they are keeping one of the two forrests in the wolrd.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Real Africa at last
My head is so full of impressions that I don't even know where to begin:) Today was just about the most beautiful day so far:) Aftera braii deja vu I decided that this European lifestyle of Cape Town is not what I came to see and experience. So in the morning we took Frans legendary car and drove into the townships.
Our first stop was Langa or "Sun", the oldest Township in Cape Town. Nowadays Langa is full of government build houses so there are not many shacks left. Life seems to run at is own pace here especially on weekend when all the people are in the streets. The main mini bus station is packed with people buying freshly chopped up chicken and. Once you get out off the car your senses pick up this intense smell of chicken , flesh and death all mixed with nicely spiced chicken on the braii. What a contrast:)
By coincidence we ended up adopting a football team from Guguletu. The boys were more than happy to pose for the camera. The team consists of football enthusiasts and a team manager who is basically a guy volunteering his time to set up games and sometimes his own money to get the boys to the tournament sites. Maybe I can help them get a sponsor or something at least for some essential equipment. We'll see.
Further down we drove through my all time favourite, Philipi.I might be a little bias since I work there but the township really has the most character of all. Shacks everywhere, laundry hanging and drying in the African sun, streets full of colours and different scents. On the weekends everyone seems to be out in the streets, than again what can you do inside of a 2x2m shack? We caught quite some attention with or car and Julian in the back. Usually you don't see many "whites" driving like that:)
The kids were running around, chasing the car or just posing in front off the camera and than grabing it to see how they look. One can just jump of the car and play with the little rascals which is exactly what we did. Man, did we have difficulties getting rid of them:) They just wouldn't let go of the car. Little limbs were hanging from all sides and just waiting to fall under a wheel:) crazy little things...
After Philipi we paid a visit to Kanghelani in Delft. Delft is a new settlement full of houses build by the government. People are lining up on waiting lists for this brick boxes . The place looks like a desert but the amazing people light up the place.
We met a family of five just on a way to church. Like the majority of the inhabitants of these informal/formal settlements they too originate from Transkai. Thembas family waited 15 long years to get this little home of theirs and now they are on to bigger things and brighter future.
More pics:)
More pics:)
Krom River Hike
Being here made me realize how spoiled we Slovenians are. Coming from such a small and diverse country, where everything is within 2h reach:) Mountains, vineyards, the whole 46km of our sea.. That is the reason why I'm not so easily impressed by Cape Town, but I can understand why other people fall in love with this Mother city almost instantly. Beautiful beaches, magnificent mountain rising from the sandy coastline, botanical gardens, natural parks and on the other side rich cultural and especially night life:)
Last weekend we hiked up this river gorge full of pools. It reminded me of Iski Vintgar. W went all the way up, to the waterfalls which were beautiful. In order to get there quit a bit of easy climbing had to be done and some of the people I went with were more equipped for the beach than climbing.. But we all made it to the top and dipped in ice cold water. It turned out that all that beach stuff won't come in handy after all:)
The river has this orange colour that makes you think twice before you jump in:) On the way we had a chance to enjoy cactuses, fynboss, termites, bugs...something totally different to what I'm used to back in Europe.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Silvermine - Heaven Over Cape Flats
Silvermine truly is one of the best climbing spots I've ever been to. The view is just breathtaking. Cape Flats, the part where most of the townships are, is in the palm of your hands. Up here all the troubles of its dwellers seem so far away. A sad thought penetrates my mind...most of those people never get the chance to leave their township let alone hike up the mountain to see the beauty that surrounds them. Once again i realize how lucky I am...
West Coast
Life here seems very laid back and local fishermen confirmed our observations:) I guess the lifestyle reflects the in the calm waters, sheltered from harsh environment of the outside world.
More pictures....
exploring africa,
Western Cape
Friday, October 22, 2010
Birthday on Table mountain...done that:)
I really am a lucky bastard. I got the chance to join some truly amazing youngsters on an overnight hike to table mountain. What a birthday present:) The fact that the hike was guided bothered me at first but after a while it turned out to be the best thing ever. Errol the guide explained us everything about the mountain, its flora, rock formations, history. Did you know that there was a railway on top of the mountain that was used to transport materials for the constructions of the dams. Apparently some 200 people lived the top of this mountain in early 19 hundreds.
Table mountain revealed it self in all its glory. The first day we had an amazing weather, not even a smallest breeze, amazing sunshine all day long. But over the night things changed dramatically. In the emprning we woke up to the sounds of wind blowing like mad and hauling around our hut. The look out of the window didn't reveal much since th.. we were in the clouds, the ones i usuallz admire from the bottom. hiking in these conditions waseven more fun. th egood trhing was we had a guide. otherwise it wouldn't be half as fun I reckon.
It was a special day and not only because it was my birthday:) The youngsters from bridging year program are great people, full of life, ideas and ambitions...and man, can some of them cook. Those who know me know that with me love goes through my stomach:)The fiest that we had up on that mountain was just ridiculous. When I close my eyes and reflect on my first birthday in Africa I forget all about the fact that I'm a year older:) A year older but richer for one truly uniqe experience. Thanks guys. Enkosi!
TV man
I laughed so hard when I heard this story that I decided to share it with you. Apparently there was an article in a well known newspaper about a man that went out and got himself a TV. After a week or so he returned to the store and complained about his TV not working properly. The manager tells him to bring the TV back so they can check it. So he brought the device and the mechanics didn't find anything wrong with it. the man went back home and... a week later there hi was again. Same problem and the same procedure. Again there was nothing wrong with the TV as they were conducting a check up. Finally the manager decided to make a home visit in order to get to the bottom of this thing. One day they payed a the man a visit and to their amazement discovered the the TV had been connected to a traffic light and every time the light went from green to red the TV shut down. Amazing:)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Ivy House connecting people:)
Ivy house is just like a home away from home. A place where crazy people from all over the world seek refugee in this world of ours. At the moment some 8 people live at this address and you won't believe it but we don't need to queue for the bathroom or...imagine that:) Thank God:)
Cape Point
Today is the day when I can cross out another thing on my must see list. Oh no, there were two. One was Cape point and the other Chapmans Peak drive.
Although the weather wasn't a t its best we still went ahead with our trip since we had a chance to enter the park for free:) It was well worth it but I will definitely be back. That 2 day hiking trail sounds too appealing... I can already imagine walking on the edge of those cliffs listening to the sound of waves tumbling down on the sandy beaches beneath...
Some people still mistakenly believe that Cape Point is the southernmost tip of Africa and is therefore the point where the cold Benguela Current of the Atlantic Ocean and the warm Agulhas Current of the Indian ocean collide. Wrong!
Want more pictures? Klick here:)
Want more pictures? Klick here:)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Sand in my shoes...or beaches so far:)
Milnerton was the first sandy beach my European feet got the chance to step on. Couldn't ask for anything more... sunset, sandy beach, beautiful Table mountain view and surfers riding the last waves of that day.
Miuzenberg is by far the most popular beach for surfing, especially for beginners. Long beach with picturesque rainbow beach huts. Locals and Tourist seem to enjoy this beach. As you walk along the beach and collect the shells wind seems to be playing with your hair. Found some huge sea weed here. I must admit that I never saw anything like it.
Camps Bay is a posh area. Sandy beach with boulders. The view on 12 apostles is just amazing, especially as the sun sets.
Montagu getaway
Finally I managed to get away for the weekend:) We met sa couple of guys on monday and on friday we were already off to our first climbing adventure. It was about time I got to see outskirts of Cape Town and experienced some wilderness.
I couldn't wait to pitch up a tent and spend a night Africa. How cool is that. Before dozing off Tom was kind enough to giving us last minute African camping tips., "When camping in Africa never ever leave your tent open, always check your shoes before putting them on and..." eish, I forgot the third one...hope it wasn't something very important:)
Obviously I had to go all the way to Africa to start climbing again. Couldn't have picked a better place to get back into this beautiful sport:) Luckily I'm still fit enough to do the thing and surprisingly even remember some belaying techniques not even this SA climbing dudes know. Thanks Jaka and Misko:)
As far as climbing is concerned Montagu is the real deal. Hundreds of kloofs with hundreds of crags and hundreds of routes. From a well known Legoland to.
Once again it turned out that the best things in life are for free... after a loong day climbing we decided to try our luck in the near by hot springs. All sweaty, with sand in our shoes and smiles on our face we kind of walked in pass the guard and there we the middle of pool paradise surrounded with magnificent rocks that were barely seen in the vague moonshine. As if we weren't lucky enough....we managed to find a private pool with a private jacuzzi. It doesn't get any better than that:)
The whole week was like that. I kind of felt as if my birthday celebrations were never going to end:) First the Table mountain hike and spending the night there. I never imagined I would celebrate my birthday on this magnificent mountain. Than there was this spontaneous dinner for my flatmates and I got a massage for my birthday. Man, was that awesome:) Then then next morning Fran surprised me with a wet suit....I have my very own wet suit now, who would have thought. Thanks Frannie:) And as if all of this wasn't enough I went away for the weekend to this amazing trip on top of all got a free spa entrance aplace and on... From now on you can all call me Lucky Bastard:)
Whale coast roadtrip
Roaaaaaad triiiiiiiip:) Short but sweet. John, Julian and me went on a whale hunt down the coastline towards the southernmost tip of Africa (Cape L'Aghulas). On the way we saw a pack of baboons, a lot of penguins doing nothing but standing and catching sun rays, whales doing pretty much the same:)
The coastal ride was amazing. Mountains raising directly from the sea, rocks just lying around all over the place.. Once we got a bit inland the landscape changed every few minutes. Amazing! From vineyards to fields, from mountains to vast grass plains and in the middle of that beauty is this strip of gray concrete, connecting everything and giving us such freedom and joy...the open road.
You can find more pictures here:)
Legendary wheels...
Legend.... that is the right word to use when describing Frans car:) Man, if I ever move down here I'm buying this machine. He could take better care of it though but that would certainly take some personality out of it.
There's no use locking the care since the window is broken. The thing has a secret switch so not everyone can start it. Its full of rubbish and rust. The sound of the engine is music to your ears...
Once the car didn't start.We tried to jump start it...nothing. Fran got a rope, stoped a car and we got a push and we're off to the city. There we just had to park on a slope:) On our way back we pushed off and jumped in a car like a bunch of sleigh runnings in cape town:)
Early christmas:)
Delivering donations feels like Christmas... and guess who's Santa:) Nothing in the world can beat this feeling...almost:) The kids are just so happy...even if it is just a little thing like some crayons or pencils. Today we gave out some jumping balls that were donated and the kids went nuts:) Just check out the clip and no comment needs to be added:)
Table mountain
Only two weeks into our stay in Cape Town and we've already climbed this magnificent mountain. On a hike we enjoyed a company of a true hiking enthusiast and the best tour guide we could have asked for. Steven knew everything there is to know about the mountain, its trails and interesting African flora.
Must admit that we took the best way up and down. The trail took us all the way around the mountain so we had the chance to really enjoy the view. Lions head, twelve apostles .. you name it we saw it.
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